Friday, June 6, 2008

The Chocolate Brides Sensation

Well...we finally made it to the blog world!  A little late..but better late than never!

We are Chocolate Brides.  We are the premiere website for the bride of color.  We are a community of women from all over the world. The positive comraderie among the women on our website has attracted not only brides, but single women, divorced women, single parents, women of other ethinicities, and even men! 

Chocolate Brides was created out of frustration from the lack of resources specifically targeted toward the black bride. Most likely, if you have never planned a wedding (your own or otherwise), you probably haven't noticed that there aren't ANY black bridal magazines on the newsstand. And if you aren't African American, you may not understand the frustration of needing advice and resources for people who are darker skinner, whose hair is textured differently, or whose frames are different than the models depicted in the mainstream publications. Apparently, the mainstream doesn't think that this market isn't viable.  But boy - are they wrong!!!

Four years later, a full blown print publication (Chocolate Brides Magazine), and 93 million hits on ChocolateBrides.Com, we are truly ready to take the world by storm.  We are totally committed to the purpose of helping portray positive images of women of color while speaking directly to HER.

Watch out we come!


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