Thursday, July 10, 2008

Trash The Dress

I must have been under a rock.  Apparently, there's a relatively new trend/style of photography called, "Trash The Dress".  Basically, trashing the dress consists of taking unusual photo shoots containing mostly anti-wedding styled portraits without regard of preserving a bride's wedding gown. While most people would probably frown at the idea of spending hundreds or sometimes thousands of dollars on a wedding gown then getting it wet or muddy for a photo shoot - I think it a fantastic idea! After all, my observation so far is that these dresses aren't really being trashed persay...and therefore it aint nothin' that a little dry cleaning can't work out. Furthermore, the only thing that I did with my dress after the wedding was:

1) Tried to sell it . . . (and I was unsuccessful)
2) Save it for my daughter . . .(but then I realized that she aint gonna wear this dress 30 years from now)
3) Suffocate it in plastic inside of my closet that's ALREADY too small.

So why not take some more pictures?  So while we all wait for me to drop 30 pounds to fit back into my dress for my trash the dress photo shoot, please enjoy some really incredible images.


Anonymous said...

Whilst I would love to do this for the sake of photography, the 'saver' in me wants to do something else with it, but I'm not sure what.

Surreal Life Imagery said...

I think I want to trash my dress, too. Truthfully, I'm never going to use it again. When I renew my vows, I want something new!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the idea and the pics are really nice. But I am still in love with my dress and cannot do it.