Friday, August 8, 2008

When Someone Tells You Who they are....

Believe them!!!

An anonymous friend recounted a prime example of why you should always follow that tidbit of Maya Angelou wisdom... names have been changed to protect the questionable...

"When I first got engaged Charelle was at everything. She was there at the engagement party. She was asking me what the bridesmaids were going to wear. She was in it with me it seemed."

MochaWifey: What happened?

"She just started pulling back. I guess I should have just let her, but I was holding on to that beginning attitude she had and believing that if I made adjustments and accomodations, she would be alright."

MochaWifey: What do you mean, adjustments and accomodations? What kind of "pulling back" are you talking about?

"When things started coming up, bridesmaid fittings and rehearsals, etc, she started pouring out all these reasons why she couldn't do it. She told me she couldn't afford the dress, so I offered to put some of the money down for her. Then it was she didn't have a babysitter, so I was considering allowing her to bring her kids to my adult reception. I was doing everything to make a way for her to be a part of my day, but she wasn't putting up half the effort."

MochaWifey: What do you regret the most about this experience?

"Just that I didn't take her for what she was showing me. Everyone has issues that come up, and I tried to be a good bride and friend, but when I look back...she was on some BS and I should have just let her excuse herself when she tried to. She wound up being one of my biggest headaches during my wedding. She complained about everything, missed important dates, and had constant run-ins with my other bridesmaids.


MochaWifey's Random Thought #2
When someone tells you who they are...believe them. If someone is giving you chance after chance to dismiss them, please give them their pink slip.


Anonymous said...

You know I find it to be sad when a friend becomes jealous of another friend for whatever reason. I had a good old friend to this to me. When you find a really good girl friend that you have shared life experiences with, laughed with cried with and been thru with it hurts to have them turn on you because all of the sudden they cannot control their emotions. When I became in engaged from the beginning my "friend" started with hate, but I dimissed her comments. Later her behavior at fittings, but I ignored it, even her behavior thru to and including the wedding day I tried to work around. But the truth of the matter is, she was not able to be happy for me because of the overwhelming feeling of jealousy she could not (or would not) shake. After all she had been engaged since we were 17 and STILL wasn't married. Had the tables been turned I would have moved mountains for her, but she could not. Ultimately I had to end the friendship because after the wedding she was still going. I am at peace with my decision, but I must admitt it hurt that our friendship was ending over a joyous occasion.

Mrs.Tiye said...

I feel you Moestu, I have friends with whom my relationship with them have been irreversibly changed. It hurts to find that the way you felt or cared about people, they don't fell or care about you. Weddings have made and broken many friendships.

Netta said...

I think that is the biggest problem that we have.. We try to internalize other peoples issues instead of letting go and let be